Friday, May 23, 2008

Here Wii Go!

Wii have a lot of fun afterschool during a fast-paced-all-are-welcome Wii sesh. Ryan, Joe, a bunch of froshies and my favorite student, Francis, came by and wii had lots of fun. Jealous? Come next time.


Francis said...

Wii had a great time.... except, Yovana is kinda overstepping her boundries... I mean c'mon, seriously, get off of angela adams.... punk.

jio said...

I'll come next time to defend my title as most physical wii tennis player.

kevin said...

Wii need to play in class because I have track practices. But they end next week so maybe the week after I'll come by and showcase my awesome talents.

Major said...

FYI-Francis created the last post (in case you couldn't tell). But yes-come by when you can. It is wii-y fun!

jio said...

What was her blogspot account password? Boo boo?

Francis said...

I asked politely, and had her pre-approve my post before posting it. She was logged on, and I had self-control instead of causing havoc. I haven't a clue of her password.

I think it'd be great to just do wii sessions afterschool once spring sports are done. (Lax last game is June 6, but with playoffs...) Also, every home game, I have a good hour or two before having to leave. BTW, home game tuesday, maybe wii can set something up?

Not that I don't trust you guys, but I want to be there when wii have wii sessions. If you looked at a previous post, you'd know, I don't like people touching my things unless I know them well enough. Drove me nutz when the kid whose name I don't know started playing Rydogg. I was like, what's this now? Who are you? Why are you playing with my wii? (in my head)

Francis said...

Who's down for J Crew in the morning? I call shotgun with Joe. I'm thinking if the same people go like last time plus like Sean and TJ and such, we definately need two cars. I was thinking a little before noon, then lunch at Friendly's. Plus I know people (like Rydogg) have work (at 4). Hey Major, want to take you're lunch break with us? hehe. I'll be on AIM later or idk, call me.

That was funny before I left you're class, Major. "Hey Ms. Major, so, freeport tomorrow. If you get out of work early, just call me." Froshies: "What? Huh? Call him?" Ms. Major: "Francis, just go."

Francis said...

I don't talk to Ms. Major on AIM, I was directing that to the J Crewers of whom I've already spoken to ^.^ (AzN [asian] smiley)

Joe Jones said...

JCrizzew tomorrow, hit me up for a rizzzide, I have four comfortable seats! 5 if you wanna make it tight ;)