Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Please do not try this at home

Check out this guy who actually TATTOOED APUSH on his arm. Wow! Now that is dedication!!! Unbelievable.


Anonymous said...

weak stencil

Major said...

No way. It's the real deal. I will tell you the story in class on Friday. Pretty crazy!

Francis said...

Ms. Major.... NO YOU DID NAWT!!!! If you did *applause* someone needs a hug.

Major said...

You're curious now....aren't you

Francis said...

OK, maybe a little. Apparently you know A(drug)PUSH(er)

Joe Jones said...
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Francis said...

I keep thinking that Joe is Ms. Major because of his/her picture. Oh, and Ms. Major, I'm going to your class in the morning and raiding your snacks.... please.

Joe Jones said...

i keep thinking francis is mark because of his HOTT picture!

Francis said...

Joe likes Bob Dylan

Joe Jones said...

i'm actually not that big of a fan... i think craig furbush may have hacked my account.. :(

Joe Jones said...

did you delete my first post ms major? wth!

jio said...

new profile pic

Also, the APUSH exam was much easier than the AP language exam.
All my answers for the essays were Sr. Coll or Miley Cyrus. I stapled seven major points to my exam.

Joe Jones said...

hey shawnnny seanmeister bud, luvin da pro pic! you're silly, how'd u use da major pointz¿¿¿???¿¿¿☼☼☺☺

Francis said...

haha, oh by the way, facebook group on Mark. By the way, if you're Mark and you're reading this. I'm just kidding, look away, and eat a cookie. Everyone else, IT'S SO HAWT!!!!

jio said...

If you google "APUSH," Joe's gf is on page 3, along with Yoda.

Major said...

Sean- I definitely think you will be getting a 5 on your English AP test. Major points are highly respected in that course of study. And Miley? You can't go wrong!

Jake Viola said...

Guess where I'm going to put my APUSH tatoo...