Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Doing My Head In

It's that time again....another top 5 list. This time I would love to hear about your pet peeves. Now, again, please be appropriate and no comments that might hurt someone's feelings. For example,I would probably start crying if I read, "Ms. Major's spelling mistakes".
So, what drives you batty? What "does your head in"? (Doing my head in is an English term and my mom uses it way too much!)

I am a bit OCD so I have a lot of pet peeves but I think these are my big ones.
Major's Top 5:
1. People who don't use their blinkers and then come to a complete stop before making a turn. Oh man...that really gets my road rage going.
2. People who interrupt me in mid-sentence as I am speaking.
3. People who not only answer but also talk on their cellphone while at the movie theater. (Any kind of noise at the movie theaters drives me batty)
4. People who litter. I used to get so mad at my friends in high school for littering so I told them to give their trash to me. I would come home with all kinds of junk in my pockets. Hey, I was green even before it became cool!
5. People who mess up my alphabetized cd and movie collections.

In college my pet peeve would be the guys who when I introduced myself as Major would respond, "So...what's your major, Major?" and then laugh really hard. Yeah, good one. Never heard that one before!!!

P.S. Again-remember to be appropriate! I have the power of delete and as you have seen, I will use it.


Unknown said...

haha i am first

--I hate at Shaw's when people go through your line while talking on their cell phone.
--I hate bad speliing.
--I hate when bicyclists think their cars and ride in front of you going 20mph under the speed limit.
--I hate how Monopoly takes forever to play.

I love F-man's NN (nickname) for me, Feelskies.

Major said...

I really dislike the talking on the cellphone while they are in line too! It happens to me at JCrew and it is so rude. I actually dislike it as a fellow customer as well. It takes longer for them to get through the line because they are so distracted. Your bike one was a good one too Feelskies!

Anonymous said...

1. Getting called strange names (sugar, honey, babe, etc.) by Francis

Francis said...

1.) I don't like it when people touch my things without permission unless I know them very well.
2.) I don't like keep away. Great, you have my hat. I'm proud of your accomplishment.... tool.
3.) I don't like getting hit. I mean c'mon can't we talk about it?
4.) I don't like being let down. If you're going to call me, do it. Don't say it and not do it, because then you have my hopes up for nothing.
5.) Eavesdropping and/or butting in on conversations. Hey, if I am going to tell you it, I'll invite you over, or you know, maybe you should just turn around and eat a cookie.

Major said...

Oh Mark. They are all terms of endearment. He just cares for you. Do you have any others?
Francis-the descriptions of your pet peeves were killer. I especially liked the keep away one. Too funny. But, on the other side, I don't like being let down either.

Joe Jones said...

I would have to somewhat agree with mark, except the only one that truly bugs me is "babe"

also I don't like how everyone says Joevana now...

Major said...

I probably should cut back on my calling of people "hun" and "dear". I am noticing I am saying them a lot more for some reason.
Joe-I promise to never call you Joevana.Unless maybe when I need fighting words.

Francis said...

I know things.... but anyway. I should probably stop calling people babe, sugar, honey, etc. and hitting on Mark. I should really stop hitting on Mark. *Sigh* this is going to be tough.

Joe Jones said...

thank you major, atleast someone wont say it

Francis said...

Although I noticed that I guess Mark does mind that I hit on him.... just that I don't call him pet names in the process. Evs... it's done. Rejoice, Mark, I know you will.

Anonymous said...

i would rejoice, if i thought it would actually happen

Joevana is so much better than "Manaye"

Pet Peeve: People who use the wrong (there, their, they're) or (your, you're).

Joe Jones said...

i prefer to refer to you cutie pies as "is that a Man Aye?"

Francis said...

Mark's made me think of another one. People who confuse the use of "affect" and "effect"

Joe Jones said...

mark you're pet peeve is very true i hate when people are so stupid you know their just dumb, anyway your known as manaye now

Francis said...

I have a smile at the thought of Mark getting a headache just now.

Anonymous said...

i broke a pencil just reading that, joe

Pet Peeve: When people do things for the sole purpose of annoying someone.

Joe Jones said...

mark you must be annoyed constantly then

Francis said...

Goal: Annoying Mark. He has a lot of pet peeves and I will be sure their all agrivated.

Anonymous said...

believe me, that goal has been accomplished plenty of times

Joe Jones said...

mark you're so pregnant!

Francis said...

I just took that out of context and laughed. A LOT. You can add another pet peave. Francis' and Joe's (fantastik) ability to twist simple phrases into a delightful reality.

Joe Jones said...

a.k.a. our minds are in the gutter!

Anonymous said...

Pet Peeve: How everything I say is turned into a double entendre.

Joe Jones said...


Francis said...

In YOU'RE End oh!

Joe Jones said...


Francis said...

Oh, just remembered... I hate it when I fall. It doesn't happen as much as it used to, but it's still not fun. Don't ask.

Joe Jones said...

thats not really a pet peeve though, its more of a statement

Major said...

Wow! Francis and Joe-you guys are lucky Mark puts up with your shenanigans! I agree with the their and your pet peeve yet I unfortunately do it a lot myself and don't realize it till after I have already done it. I also get hear and here wrong a lot. I blame it on my speedy mind and quick typing skillz.

jio said...

Joe, I am sorry that the name hurts you oh so much. I will refrain from calling you Joevana, except for at Shaw's. However, Joeyo is not out of the question.

jio said...

Just do it.

Jake Viola said...

I don't like it when people chomp/make a lot of noise when eating!
I also don't like bad hygiene.
I don't like know-it-alls.
I don't like braggarts.
I don't like it when people can't take a joke.
I don't like when people cheat.
I don't like it when people steal (MY STUFF).
I don't like it when people graffiti.
I don't like it when people act like fair-weather friends. (When nobody else is around they like you, but when "cooler" people come around, they try to embarrass you and don't have time for you!)