Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Shout out to Blue

So Liz took the kittens today to see the vet so they could have a check up. They got shots and what not but bad news is Blue might have to lose an eye. His infection is so bad his left eye might be lost for good. So sad. But he is a fighter and you would never know he can only see out of one eye. We are going to try one last possibility with some crazy ointment but if it doesn't work I think we will have to change his name to One Eyed Willy. (That is a shout out to one of my favorite movies-Goonies. In case you didn't get it)
Think happy thoughts for Blue!
P.S. Blue is the dark grey one in the picture. And no, that is not Liz. That is our old roommate Ziegler.


Major said...

If you actually click on the photo, you can see how bad Blue's eye got.

Joe Jones said...

I'm pretty sure that's Travis Gregory but whatever you say! Also blue's eye is disgusting and you should try visine it works wonders.. i swear.. but not really

Francis said...

Oh em gee. Does Blue get a kewl glass eye?!?!?!

I second that motion. It's Trav Gregskies.

I hope Blue gets better

Major said...

Yes, Blue's eye is gross but we really did try to get it fixed. He has an eye ointment that is way more powerful than Visine. Poor guy. I guess I have failed as a mother.

Joe Jones said...

Blue is a color, that I often confuse for purple!.

jio said...

One-eyed-willy would be a mean name. Sloth, on the other hand...

Francis said...

I just laughed very hard from the randomness of that statement Joeseph.

When I hear "Blue" I think the blue box... Macaroni and Cheese.

Francis said...


Major said...

Okay, I need to head to bed but I do hope you all think happy thoughts for Blue/One Eyed Willy. Joe-do we need to test your for color blindness?
Good night!

Major said...

P.S. Can someone help me make a picture for my account like you guys have? I feel left out not having a picture.

Francis said...


jio said...


Francis said...

Precisely. Great job, Feelskies

kevin said...

Ms Major, to get a picture go to Google, My Account, Edit my profile, and then scroll down until you get to Photo and then you can load one from your computer. Then go to the bottom and save.

By the way...Blue should have a pirate's eye patch.

Jake Viola said...

Poor Blue. He should become the spokesperson for kitty disabilities. He is very nice. I like him. I hope he gets better. He is fluffy. Good Blue.