Monday, May 12, 2008

APUSH Across the Country

So as I was looking for some pictures for the last blog, I found some interesting images from other APUSH classes across the country. Check out the t-shirt one class even made up. Wouldn't you want a t-shirt with my crazy mug on it? I think we should look into it.
~Major Pain


jio said...
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jio said...

Here's a good t-shirt idea:

Major said...

I just laughed so hard it hurt and I scared the cats. Good one Sean. Good one.

Joe Jones said...
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Jake Viola said...
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Joe Jones said...

i think a brilliant t-shirt would be, "Yovana piece of frickin' APUSH?"

Francis said...

Uh, ApUsH is going to continue being awesome, especially when we come to school with matching shirts, ahhhh!!

Joe Jones said...

Can we make a Red Sox associated APUSH shirt just for Marky O'Donnell?

Francis said...

Can we make a Mark shirt? Just like Mark, The Man, The Myth, The Hottie

Joe Jones said...

Can we make a parody t-shirt of Mr. Cage's terrible movie Faceoff, and instead of John Travolta have the hottie we also know as Mark O'Donnell?

Francis said...

I dunno Joe, it's kind of a step down the sexi meter for Mark.

Major said...

Nice picture FMan. All of your (Sean, Joe Jones and FMan) suggestions are good ones. I like the Red Sox theme. And yes, we will be the coolest kids in school with the matching shirts. All will be jealous and we will just keep smiling and scream wii!!!!!

Francis said...

Major read the Cage post!!! SOOOO GOOD!!!! The Blogging All-Stars strike again

Francis said...

I suggest awesome students of the awesome awesomeness week

Major said...
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Major said...

Awesome is fitting of the two of you right now. Especially since you are posting on the APUSH blog at 10pm at night. Wii!!!!! (P.S. I am hooked to the wii. No turning back now)

jio said...

I'll have a Mark shirt on Cafepress in 48 hours.

Francis said...

Wait, did you bring my wii home? HAHAHA nice. Jeez Major, First Diet Coke, now Wii, I think Mentos are next by the way you were scarfing them down.

Joe Jones said...

good job Sean you're so desirable i mean reliable

jio said...

Wii should wii-mind you that it's been a good wiik. I ate my wiities this morning.

Ms. Major, you should stop playing before wii have to check you into wiihab.

Joe Jones said...
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jio said...

Oh no. Why does Ms. Major know how to do that?

Francis said...

oh man, blood, that took like an hour, give or take a few minutes.

Joe Jones said...

lets just say Jake, TJ and Francis taught her how at a study session

Francis said...

And we learned a lot that day, like about the ganster side of Ms. Major

Joe Jones said...

i already knew ms major was straight outta compton

jio said...

Check out the new profile pic!

Francis said...


Joe Jones said...

haha lolz that's a classik homie

Joe Jones said...

wow i really need to get off of here... no offense but hggsdpfhgsfigcgvmcnvkaphgifghiufgh

Francis said...

I've lost track of time. Good night y'all, see y'all in the mornin'. Y'all.

P.S. Mark has nice pants. He is a liar. His pants are on fire. FIRE!!

jio said...

Francis said...

we have to order the boxers, and wear them on the OUTSIDE

Unknown said...

Who is this Mark fella you're comparing to Nicolas Cage?

Major said...

Awesome shirt design Sean! Looks like you will be designing the official APUSH t-shirt.

Major said...
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Major said...
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Francis said...


Francis said...

Just realized how creepy all this must be outside of our class

Major said...

Just a bit...just a bit

Joe Jones said...

hey edgar allan poo-poohead, you're clearly nawt hawt enuff 2 b associated wit da mark wit a k cuz he is da hawtest hottie east of da missississisiisppisiisippii. foo

Jake Viola said...

Top 10 AP US History Pickup Lines
10. Want to make the Cold War hot?
9. My court packing plan isn't my only packing plan...
8. Want to play War of 1812? I'll light your White House on fire...
7. There's a reason they say I started the Era of Good Feelings...
6. Can I annex your territory after class?
5. Do you want to help me with my project on the tit...I'm sorry...TET offensive?
4. I'll be your secretary of the interior!
3. I bet if Jefferson had met you he would have vetoed the Non-Intercourse Act.
2. Want to go back to my place and discuss Big Stick Diplomacy?
1. Want to reenact the Battle of the Bulge?

Jake Viola said...

1. You have nicer legs than an Isosceles right triangle.
2. Our love is like dividing by zero…. you cannot define it
3. I less than three you….. (i < 3 you)
4. If I was an enzyme, I’d be helicase so I could unzip your genes.
5. Your name is Liz? Look I can spell it in my calculator!

Francis said...
