Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Top 5

I got on the subject of movies today while talking to APUSH superstars notorious j.o.e. and Ry-dawg. (Yes, I am not cool enough to use nicknames but I have to pretend) Anyway, it got me thinking about what movies would be in my top 5 of all time. So, here is my list. First let me stipulate that these are not necessarily the best films that have ever been made. They either just make me smile, remind me of happy events in my life, or are movies I could watch over and over and over.
So here goes:
1. Shawshank Redemption
2. Sixteen Candles
3. Good Will Hunting
4. The Goonies
5. Breakfast at Tiffany's

So what are yours???


jio said...

1. Forrest Gump
2. This is Spinal Tap
3. Zoolander
4. Willy Wonka and the Choclate Factory (The good one with Gene Wilder.)
5. School of Rock

jio said...

Also a distant 86th, "The War" by Ken Burns.

Francis said...

1.) 300
2.) Boondock Saints
3.) Harold And Kumar Go To White Castle
4.) The Warriors
5.) Can't Hardly Wait

Superbad and Harold and Kumar: Escape From Guantanamo Bay both receive honorable mention.

Anonymous said...

Figures, I've seen none of those.

1. Forrest Gump
2. Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle
3. Road Trip
4. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
5. Caddyshack

Major said...

Okay, let's see here. I like the other lists so far. They give me a little more insight to you folks and your personalities.
Sean-Willy Wonka rocks! I love the old school one too. So many classic characters and lines!
Francis-I have to admit the only one on your list I know is Can't Hardly Wait and I am not sure if you are being serious about that one or not. What is the Warriors?
Mark-Ferris Bueller's Day is definitely in my top 20 list. Such a good flick. Bueller, Bueller, ....Bueller. Lucky for you guys that I am not like that teacher and instead I keep you awake by doing the rebel yell!

Major said...

I meant to say that on Francis's list, the only one I have SEEN is Can't Hardly Wait

Joe Jones said...

wow ms major that's a little odd

my list is.....

1. Shawshank Redemption
2. Sixteen Candles
3. Good Will Hunting
4. The Goonies
5. Breakfast at Tiffany's

Major said...

Thanks Joe! I just busted laughing so hard that I scared the cats again. I think they are about to go into shock.

Joe Jones said...

try not to kill them major...

Major said...

I would never hurt my little ones. They are going in for check in tomorrow so hopefully they aren't anxiety ridden.
You're not off the hook Joe. You still need to give your real list!

Major said...

Alright you guys! If you are still on-line, time to sleep and get some rest for your English test. Good luck! You are going to do great!

Francis said...

Can't Hardly Wait is the classic "teen" movie rittled with hillarious situations. It's very quotable. Go out and watch Boondock Saints and 300, they are action/adventure movies. Diesel fight scenes and yeah... just plan awesome. Completely serious list though.

The Warriors is centered in New York. There is a gang leader who organizes every gang in New York for a meeting to form a united front against the police to take over ther city. He is assassinated and his murder is framed on one of the Warriors. So now, they have to return to their part of New York where they will officially be "safe" while every gang in New York is trying to kill them. It's pretty good, some scenes are funny because the movie's a little old. I jabe it and will bring it in.

Francis said...

Easier said than done Major. My mom gave me some allergy medicine that put me to sleep around 7. I just woke up.

Major said...

All sound good Francis. I actually have a copy of Boondock Saints that I borrowed from a friend a year ago and I still haven't watched it. I will do so in the next week. Isn't Bob Marley (the comedian) in it?

Major said...

Oh no Francis! Good luck trying to go back to sleep. Count some sheep or something like that.

Francis said...

Yup. Be sure that the kittens aren't in the room with you at that time... actually, they're probably already exposed to stong language ;) (Friggin' Spain). Well, I think it's him who said the f-word a lot, if I do so recall.

Joe Jones said...

ok ok...

my top five is..(plz don't make fun)
1. Pretty Woman (1990)
2. Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)
3. Something's Gotta Give (2003)
4. Casablanca (1942)
5. Mean Girls (2004)

Leah said...

1. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
2. The Lion King
3. Wizard of Oz
4. The 10th Kingdom
5. Gladiator or Boondock Saints

It's so hard to choose.

Major said...

Okay really....Need to go to bed but wanted to comment on the new additions.
Leah-I had no clue you liked Wizard of Oz that much. That is so cool. It is also in my top 20 and not because of the whole Populist movement piece. Just because it is a cool story and when the movie came out it was so advanced for the time period. 10th warrior-Is that that the Beowulf-like movie? If so, I have seen it and it is good.
Joe Jones-I had no clue you were such a fan of these amazing films! Is The Notebook also on the top of your list?

Anonymous said...

honorable mention that i remembered while eating breakfast: breakfast club

Major said...

Leah-I read your comment too quick. I see that the movie is 10th Kingdom. You will have to tell me about that one because I don't know that one.

Francis said...

Mark you would say Breakfast Club. I hear you have a crush on Molly Ringwald.

Alex Blair!! said...

Wo! Hey! I never post on here! MY favorite movies would have to be

1. Crash
2. La Vie En Rose
3. Moulin Rouge
4. Life is Beautiful
5. Romeo & Juliet

Well, at least those are the ones I can think of right now.

Spaceballs is also a classic. But not quite.

Joe Jones said...

albie we have a similar list

Alex Blair!! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Major said...

Albie-Excellent choice with Crash. Such a powerful film that really showcases the struggles we are still dealing with in this country.

Francis said...

Major, watch Boondock Saints and The Warriors, you can thank me later.

Jake Viola said...

1. The Hottie and the Nottie
2. Anaconda
3. Jaws 3-D
4. Duck and Cover
5. How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days (Good date movie for all mi ladies, it's got Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey)