Monday, May 12, 2008


Congratulations to all of my wonderful APUSHers. I am so proud of you and all of your accomplishments and hard work these past two years. You are all amazing young adults and I am so thankful I had the opportunity to work with you.
So, now that the big, bad test is over, let's have some fun on the blog. Today's topic: Nicholas Cage and why he is the man. Discuss


Francis said...

Mr. Cage and I are not currently speaking. We're in a fight. He thinks that he is cuter than Mark O'Donnell and everyone knows that that is complete bologna. Shame on you Mr. Cage, you and your intriguing hair.

Joe Jones said...
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Joe Jones said...

Dear Mr. Cage,
I am udderly appalled by the fact that you indeed think that you are quote CUTER unquote than Mark Myles o' Smyles O'Donnell. You must be drunk. Any way Mr. Cage, you're not the man and your eye brows are too bushy, cut 'em. Overall Mark O to tha Donnell is the hotter out of you two.
With much love,
Joseph Murphy Jones

Francis said...

Mr. Cage, you are no heavenly angel of fluffy cotton balls and gewd feelings. Mr. Cage, you do not make girls faint and tiny children wet themselves. Mr. Cage, your "smyles" only go for kilometers, and Mr. Cage, you're hotness level is only a medium on Smokey The Bear's Forest Fire meter. Unlike Mark Hottie Hott Hawty O'Donnell, who melts hearts with the flip of his hair. The girls want to be him and the boyz want to be with him (no misunderstanding). Mark is fiiiiiine.

Joe Jones said...

Sorry Mark, Francis made a mistake, your F-Y-N-E, it's also an acronym so figure it out ;). Any who, I personally know that Mr. Cage wants to be with Mark O'Donnell because Mr. O'Donnell's smooth bombastic languages lures anyone in.

Francis said...

C is how you Can't make the boyz and/or but not necessarily girlz wyld
A is for how Arguably not hawter than Mark you are
G is for how Gullible you must be to think that you're more pretty than our local Hawty
and E is for how Even though you're cute, you ain't cuter

Major said...

Wow! You guys are hatin' on Mr. Cage.Even with his awesome acting skills? You two are definitely Mark's biggest fans. Sounds like you need to start a fan club!

Joe Jones said...

He's sucha hawtie we can't help it!

Joe Jones said...
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Francis said...

Oh Em Gee Major, what a totally fabu idea!!!! But no, Mark's beauty must not be bottled up in a fan club. He's needs a shrine, or like an eternally burning torch. I say torch, because fire is hawt, like Mark.

Joe Jones said...

Mark, you should probably consider dying your hair red... let's think about this for a sec, you love the red sox, you love lindsay boyle, and you're HAWT LIKA DA FYRE and lastly you're a pyromaniac! you're just so gosh darn silly! you goose!

jio said...

It doesn't take much for Nicky Cage to act. All he does is look sad and apathetic 98% of the time and say dramatic lines.

Now Steven Seagal; he's a fyne actor.

Francis said...

Mr. Cage and Mr. Seagal would make some butt ugly babies. But I'd give them a pat on the back. It'd be hard to make a baby with just man parts. But hey, I bet that for baby Mark Cage-Seagal (named after the hottest hawtie who ever made spontanious combustion a fad), it'd be easy as pie.

Joe Jones said...
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Francis said...
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Jake Viola said...

You know how kryptonite makes Superman weak? Well, you're my kryptonite, and I'm him.

Francis said...

Oh Jake, you and your pick-up lines. Be sure to use them at J Crew