Monday, June 2, 2008


So, sorry I slacked last week with the blog. I think the three day weekend threw me off for the whole rest of the week. Anyway, time for another list. This one isn't as happy but still interesting I think. What are your top 5 fears? Or what scares you? I know those are two different items but let's try it out.

Here are mine:
1. Being trapped in an elevator
2. Bridges
3. Hurting/disappointing the people in my life
4. The Boogie Man (I often check behind the shower curtain, under my bed, in my closest, etc. making sure no one is hiding, ready to attack me)
5. Boring my students so much they begin to hate history


jio said...

1. Getting caught in the middle of a gunfight.
2. Foreign debts, homeless vets, AIDS, crack, Bernie Goetz.
3. Contracting an incurable disease or condition.
4. Freddie Krueger
5. Chuck Norris' wrath.

Don't tell Jake about that video.

Major said...

Alright... I am very disappointed with my bloggers. Are you too scared to let people know what you fear???? I can tell you one true fact. There is a young man out there that fears Mark O'Donnell and he is a very upset tennis player from Biddeford. Mark intimidated him so much, Mark made him cry!!! You are such a bully Mark!

jio said...

Also, those freaky videos where everything is quiet and calm and then all the sudden a face jumps out of nowhere with a loud scream.

Major said...

I just saw your comments Sean. You truly are the blogging all star!!! Freddie Krueger!!!! I think he is the reason I HATE scary movies. Little kids should not be allowed to watch those awful Elm St. movies.

jio said...

I guess no one looks at my posts... now I fear being lost in a system that permanately traps its members in a downward spiral of corruption and chaos.

jio said...

last post redacted

jio said...

please watch the video
I promise its not scary at all

Major said...

When was the video taken? You guys are mean!

jio said...

that was years ago, probably in 8 or 9th grade.

jio said...

Our Sons of Liberty apush project from 10th grade is up there now.

Unknown said...

1. i'm really scared of my alice in wonderland syndrome which makes me really scared of 2.roller coasters and tons of other amusement park rides and 3. doing sit-ups.
4. i fear sean's #3 as well
5. i have a huge fear of horror movies.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

and thanks ms major for a wonderful time at peak's!

kevin said...

I'm afraid of cooties and Mark. Because Mark makes people cry and will blind you with his farmer's tan.

Major said...

Eewwww cooties! I don't like cooties either. Elisabeth-glad to see I am not the only one who hates horror movies. So glad you had fun today!!!

Francis said...

I have a fear of people's opinions. ie: staring, then giggling...

Anonymous said...

In no particular order:
Horror movies
Tj's mustache
getting run over by a boat while im swimming

Jake Viola said...

I'm afraid that I'm going to die an old man with no friends and nobody who loves me.

Tim said...

I am afraid of:
1. Snakes
2. Spiders
3. Mark's hotness
4. Bees
5. Many more