Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I had such a ball today and I hope that you did too. We pushed through the bad weather and really enjoyed our lawn game olympics. You were so great at the museum too!!! So, in honor of Peaks, what were your top 5 favorite activities/events of the day? It doesn't have to be a top 5 but thought I could stick with our Top 5 theme. are mine:
1. MY CAMERA!!!!! (Of course! Thanks again you guys.)
2. Starting our day on the beach doing a good group shot.
3. Seeing you guys interact with Liz. (She had a great time by the way)
4. Watching you guys play sports with competitiveness but also with laughter.
5. MY CAMERA!!!!!!
P.S.Worst part of the trip...NO JOE JONES!


Francis said...

1.) Reaction to camera! Very amusing and quite the tear-jerker
2.) Jake interacting with Liz. Probably the funniest and most awkward part of the trip.
3.) PICTURES!!!!
4.) Mark, Tyler and Rydogg swimming. Stupidheads.
5.) The museum... NOT!!

Major said...

Don't you know knock my Civil War museum. Those are fighting words. And yes, Rydogg, Mark, and Tyler are CRAZY!!!! And you finally got me to little buggers!

Joe Jones said...

It's my mom's fault, sorry!!

Major said...

We were just sad you weren't there with us Joe! Francis looked a bit lost without you. I hope you are feeling better.

Francis said...

That TV was like a 10' and the narrator sounded like Mr. Snow... and ... and, not* I was going to say:

3.) Mark getting crabs.

But I figured you'd delete it, like you're bound to do to this post :-D

Anonymous said...

1. Swimming
2. Frisbee
3. Volleyball
4. Lunch
5. Crabs

Jake Viola said...

I love APUSH. I liked every part of the trip because I got to be with you all. My top five favorite things that day was our time together. I'll miss you all.

jio said...

1. Jake + Liz
2. Winning the scav-- oh wait, nevermind.
3. Camera
4. Hanging with Jo-- oh wait, nevermind.
5. Frisbee