Friday, May 23, 2008

Here Wii Go!

Wii have a lot of fun afterschool during a fast-paced-all-are-welcome Wii sesh. Ryan, Joe, a bunch of froshies and my favorite student, Francis, came by and wii had lots of fun. Jealous? Come next time.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Kirsten!

I am such a big jerk. Today was Kirsten's birthday and we didn't sing to her!! Please wish her well if you see her or talk to her on-line! We will have to make up for it on Thursday but until then I hope you had a good one Kirsten.
Happy Birthday to you!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO!

Doing My Head In

It's that time again....another top 5 list. This time I would love to hear about your pet peeves. Now, again, please be appropriate and no comments that might hurt someone's feelings. For example,I would probably start crying if I read, "Ms. Major's spelling mistakes".
So, what drives you batty? What "does your head in"? (Doing my head in is an English term and my mom uses it way too much!)

I am a bit OCD so I have a lot of pet peeves but I think these are my big ones.
Major's Top 5:
1. People who don't use their blinkers and then come to a complete stop before making a turn. Oh man...that really gets my road rage going.
2. People who interrupt me in mid-sentence as I am speaking.
3. People who not only answer but also talk on their cellphone while at the movie theater. (Any kind of noise at the movie theaters drives me batty)
4. People who litter. I used to get so mad at my friends in high school for littering so I told them to give their trash to me. I would come home with all kinds of junk in my pockets. Hey, I was green even before it became cool!
5. People who mess up my alphabetized cd and movie collections.

In college my pet peeve would be the guys who when I introduced myself as Major would respond, "So...what's your major, Major?" and then laugh really hard. Yeah, good one. Never heard that one before!!!

P.S. Again-remember to be appropriate! I have the power of delete and as you have seen, I will use it.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Top 5 Songs

It was suggested that I put out more of the "TOP 5" lists so here goes. What are your 5 favorite songs. Not bands, singers, etc, but songs. I think we can easily do favorite bands but songs are little different because you have to think about not only the sound but also lyrics.
Here are mine:
1. Never Let Me Down Again-Depeche Mode. Yep, this is actually my favorite song of all time. It is a total 80s New Wave song and I loved Depeche Mode when I was in junior high.
2. Two Step-Dave Matthews Band. You all know I love Dave Matthews Band and this is probably my favorite song of theirs. It has one of my favorite lines in a song, "Celebrate we will because life is short but sweet for certain". It is about making it through this world and relying on others love and support to get you through it.
3. Clocks-Coldplay. My other favorite is Coldplay and this is the song that really got me interested in them. The use of the piano throughout the song is so powerful. I can listen to this song over and over.
4. You Better Go Now-Billie Holiday. One of my other favorite movies is called Rocket Gibraltar and all the songs in the film are Billie Holiday. When I watched this movie it was the first time I had heard Billie Holiday and I fell right in love with her voice.
5. Out of Control (State of Emotion)-Kenna. This is a song that I just discovered this year and I love it. It is about how sometimes you have so much going on in your life you feel like you head is going to explode. I think we all have those moments.

Honorable Mention-Idaho by Josh Ritter. This is my friend from high school and he is amazing. Plus the song is about how great Idaho is and needing to get home to Idaho so of course I love it.

So, your turn. Oh, and you don't have to explain them like I did. I just thought I would give you some insight.
See you on Tuesday!

The Misadventures of APUSH

I hope everyone is having a good weekend and you enjoyed the nice weather we had this morning. I went to the driving range and hit some golf balls. It was awesome!
So, Francis, Ryan, Mark, Jake, and Sunshine tried to come harass me at the J.Crew on Saturday only to discover that they (my bosses) had sent me home two hours early. I don't think that deterred them from having a good time and raising havoc in Freeport. Later they met up with their pal Joe Jones at the local pick up joint, Friendly's. Then from there I think they headed to my favorite place-Target. That's all I got of the story. I am sure you boys have lots of tales and I can't wait to hear about them.
P.S. Did you buy anything at J.Crew?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Kind of lame

So, I am trying to think of a new blog posting and I am having a hard time. Thanks to Sunshine for helping me create a profile picture. (I like your profile picture by the way)This is a picture from last May when I made my very own bookcase! Yep, I made it from scratch. I had a lot of help from a friend but I am still pretty proud.
Nice collage of not so nice pictures of me Sean. Not so sure anyone really wants to wear a shirt with those scary photos but we will see.
So, I have decided to dedicate this blog to Shel Silverstein, the poet. I always loved him as a kid and his crazy poems. Here are a few of my favories.


All the Woulda-Coulda-Shouldas
Layin' in the sun,
Talkin' 'bout the things
They woulda-coulda-shoulda done
But those Woulda-Coulda-Shouldas
All ran away and hid
From one little did.

The Voice

There is a voice inside of you
That whispers all day long,
"I feel that this is right for me,
I know that this is wrong."
No teacher, preacher, parent, friend
Or wise man can decide
What's right for you-just listen to
The voice that speaks inside.

Do you have any of your own favorites?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Shout out to Blue

So Liz took the kittens today to see the vet so they could have a check up. They got shots and what not but bad news is Blue might have to lose an eye. His infection is so bad his left eye might be lost for good. So sad. But he is a fighter and you would never know he can only see out of one eye. We are going to try one last possibility with some crazy ointment but if it doesn't work I think we will have to change his name to One Eyed Willy. (That is a shout out to one of my favorite movies-Goonies. In case you didn't get it)
Think happy thoughts for Blue!
P.S. Blue is the dark grey one in the picture. And no, that is not Liz. That is our old roommate Ziegler.

APUSH Study Sessions

Hey! Hey!
So I dropped off my most recent roll of film and to my surprise there were a lot of APUSH study session pictures. I won't share them all but here are a few highlights. A shout out again to Elisabeth, Leah, Jake, Kevin and Joe Jones. The only folks to make it to every unit offered. You guys rock!
See you on Friday!
P.S. Can you tell which pictures were taken when Joe Jones stole my camera.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Please do not try this at home

Check out this guy who actually TATTOOED APUSH on his arm. Wow! Now that is dedication!!! Unbelievable.

Top 5

I got on the subject of movies today while talking to APUSH superstars notorious j.o.e. and Ry-dawg. (Yes, I am not cool enough to use nicknames but I have to pretend) Anyway, it got me thinking about what movies would be in my top 5 of all time. So, here is my list. First let me stipulate that these are not necessarily the best films that have ever been made. They either just make me smile, remind me of happy events in my life, or are movies I could watch over and over and over.
So here goes:
1. Shawshank Redemption
2. Sixteen Candles
3. Good Will Hunting
4. The Goonies
5. Breakfast at Tiffany's

So what are yours???

Monday, May 12, 2008

APUSH Across the Country

So as I was looking for some pictures for the last blog, I found some interesting images from other APUSH classes across the country. Check out the t-shirt one class even made up. Wouldn't you want a t-shirt with my crazy mug on it? I think we should look into it.
~Major Pain


Congratulations to all of my wonderful APUSHers. I am so proud of you and all of your accomplishments and hard work these past two years. You are all amazing young adults and I am so thankful I had the opportunity to work with you.
So, now that the big, bad test is over, let's have some fun on the blog. Today's topic: Nicholas Cage and why he is the man. Discuss