Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Statue of Liberty

Major Point Bonus Questions:
The Statue of Liberty was dedicated in 1886 to the United States as a present from another country. In 1902 the following quote was added:

Statue Of Liberty inscription, "Give me your tired, your poor
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"

Who gave the U.S. the Statue of Liberty and why?
Who was the sculptor and what was is the true name of the monument?
Where else can this quote be found?

Bring your answers to class on Thursday!


Joe Jones said...


Francis said...

Da blogging dream team

tum tum

jio said...

I'm th3 oRiGiNaL Stud3nt of the Week. Longest Reigning EVER.

Oh, and to keep this relevant:
Did you know "Statue of Liberty" spelled backwards is "Ytrebil fo Eutats."

Tim said...

ROTM Sean. AAMOF "Ytrebil fo Eutats"=TSOL BKWDZ. CMIIW but =]:0 makes a CBoi.

-ps. Joe is not a blogging ALL-STAR. I bet he doesn't even know what I just posted. He is teh noob. And yes, I did say "teh".

Joe Jones said...

That tis because you wrote abbreviations, they could be anything! Btw, iM THE UBER 1337 SOURCE.

Francis said...

Rolling on floor laughing!!!!!!
Rolling on the mark, Sean. Apples 4 Apples of Francis "Ytrebil fo Eutats"= The Statue of Liberty Backwardz. Cooky Monkeys lick large walruses but happy face, surprised face makes a Cambodian boy.

-P.S. Eat that TJ!!!

Joe Jones said...


jio said...

Sometimes I forget that I'm in an A.P. class . . . .

Joe Jones said...

The Statue of Liberty is a lovely place. She's very beautiful.
... I think I'm in love.

Francis said...



Major said...

Interesting comments on our good friend from France. I see we have some competition on who is the APUSH blogging all star. Let's see how you feel about the new post. ~Ms. Major

Major said...
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jio said...

Francis, ROTM is "right on the money." Timmy D./Todd told me.

Joe Jones said...

Timmay D yo

Tim said...

I get called Todd to often. Mrs Nichols, Dr Wierich... Its only science teachers. And Mr Devlin, except he didn't call me anything. He doesn't even know who I am?