Monday, December 3, 2007

Would you rather?

Hello APUSHers!
Hope you enjoyed the snow day and you spent the day frolicking in the snow and building snowman assembly lines. Now that would be quite the sight.
Now, I know all of you have probably played this game before but I would like you to reflect on the following, "Would you rather..." question.

Would you rather spend your WHOLE LIFE in a job that you loved with good co-workers, a decent boss, and comfortable working conditions but live in a shack OR live in a beautiful mansion with all the amenities you could possibly imagine but have a job that you hated doing, a boss that constantly screamed at you, and co-workers who made you absolutely batty?

~Ms. Major


Jake Viola said...

I would take the beautiful mansion as a way to look out for my wife and children's best interests. I would rather work at a job I hated and provide comfortable living arrangements for my family, than go to a job I loved and come home to a miserable family living in a shack. It would be nicer to come home to a beautiful home and relax after a long and stressful day at work, than to go to a job I loved everyday and come home to a shack.

jio said...

Very political answer, Jake.

Personally, I want to go with a job that I love, but no running water? That's pretty tough. I'm going to have to agree with Jake.

Major said...

Okay, so I changed the question a little bit. You still have to live in a shack but there is running water and heat. Good points raised by Jake as far as a family is concerned. What about if if was just you. How would you view the options you have?

Tim said...

I would take the job with the boss who yells at me. Work isn't supposed to be fun. Thats why they call it work! If it was supposed to be good it world be called "Jolly Happy Fun-Time." Also being cold is no fun, so I would rather have the heated ramshackle cabin.

jio said...

Okay, that's better. I'll live in the "shack" now.

Francis said...

I would much rather live in the mansion than the "shack". I think that if the job is that good, so that I can buy a mansion like that. It's definitely worth the poor working conditions. Also, I'm going to have to retire eventually and I would definitely like retiring in a mansion, any day.

Joe Jones said...

i would live in the mansion because i love gold and money is gold and money is power so i would take the mansion for status. i love status, me and the statue of liberty love status.

Blogxpert12 said...

it would be worth the bad job if you had a sick house. You could just quit the job and sell some stuff in the house if it really got bad. Although the saying does go mo' money mo' problems. I wish i had the midas touch


Unknown said...

why would a boss pay you lots of money and then yell at you?

anyway, i would take the bad job, get the house, quit my job, sell the house and buy a house that is in between the shack and the mansion and still have enough left over!

Joe Jones said...

who ever is fud rucker is basically a spawn of me

Unknown said...

fud-rucker, reveal yourself!

Joe Jones said...

who u be fud rukker? u in our clizzas? hm. well im a bloggin all-star so watcho-self

jio said...

I beat you Tim D.

Tim said...

Hay! U beat me Sean!... Harry Carray?

And all y'all who said take the mansion and sell it are punks. Your cheating the system and ruining it all for the rest of us. Like people who make stupid law suits.

Like Jeanne D'arc said "I am a witch, burn me."

... I am bored.

Joe Jones said...

hello apushers, hope u all had a merry Christmas and hopefully a happy new year. P.S. I'm posting from my iPhone!!!

Francis said...

dang... you have to updater Ms. Major

Tim said...

Hey Ms Major, Update the B-LOG. I am getting B-ORD with this post.

Tim said...

YOOHOO! GO PATRIOTS! (insert Rebel Yell here).

Anonymous said...

tj, that is a very appropriate avatar you have there

jio said...

This is applesauce, Ms. Major, please update the blog!