Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Since America is relatively new in the grand scheme of history, most Americans think of themselves as American but also of some other heritage to which they know they have connections. Most families are able to explain where they "came from". I was thinking it would be interesting to see what awesome culture differences we have in our very own APUSH class. So, if you feel comfortable, please comment on your background.


Major said...

I know that most of my ancestory is English but I do also have some Blackfoot (Native American) and a wee bit of Irish. Shocking on the Irish piece I know.

Francis said...

I am 100% Filipino. I am a part of the first generation of my family to be born in the United States.

Major said...

Very cool Francis!!!!

kimmy said...

I am czech slovakian because of my great grandparents. I ma also irish. Kevin is American.

jio said...
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jio said...

I am 25% Irish. My Great Grandfather was from Newry, Ireland. I am also 25% Polish, because my Great-Great Grandfather was from Warsaw. I am also 25% Filipino. Seriously. I don't look it, but if you see my grandfather you'd know. He left the island of Luzon in the Phillipines to join the U.S. Coastguard. As for the other 25%, I'm not entirely sure. I think that I'm a tiny bit Native American (Passamaquoddy), and some English.

theoneandonly said...

I'm like 99% Irish and the last 1% is Scottish which is where I get my last name...some Scottish guy married one of my Irish ancestors.

Joe Jones said...

Hello fellow APUSHERS!
BTW in case you were wondering, I, Jose Jones, have relative from Ireland and Italy. Very classy.
(Ireland, maybe that's where my nickname came aboot)


Tim said...

I am a quarter filipino. I guess the other 3/4 is nothing. Nobody will tell me...maybe the MAN doesn't want me to know the TRUTH. Maybe I am like "Honest Abe," from the planet Zebulon? The government doesn't want me to know because they are planning on turning me into a super human fighting machine, like Captain America. O no!

My grandmother claims I am part native american. But i am pretty sure that she made that up because the Cherokee didn't have "princesses" and didn't live in Maine.