Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hey you college kids!

Hello APUSHers!!!!!
I am at a technology seminar today and we are working with blogs. So, I figured it would be a good time to update our old APUSH log. I hope school is going well for all of you and that you are learning lots!
I miss you all. I have seen some of you and it sounds like you are all loving school! Stop in whenever you are in town!
P.S. Got to get some history in here! FYI, on this day in 2004 the Red Sox broke the curse and beat St. Louis Cardinals to win the World Series 4-0 and Boss Tweed was arrested for corruption. Does anyone remember Boss Tweed?
P.P.S. I was just in Burlington and got to see Kimmy! She is on the dance team there and doing awesome!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Francis Manuel, an APUSH 06-08 survivor, boldly stated recently that,"You will never be as good as last year's class".
Can he be proven wrong?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I randomly checked the blog today and realized my devoted bloggers are still checking in once in a while. So, I will do one more post for the APUSH 06-08 group.
First and foremost, congrats on your AP exams. You all did a great job and I am very proud of you.
Secondly, Happy Late Birthday America! I hope you had a very patriotic 4th and thought of all of the great ones- Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, etc. Speaking of birthdays, Alex Trebek is 68!!! Wow. Still looks a dashing forty-something to me.
Very sad about Estelle Getty. May she always live in on in our Golden Girls memories.
Hope you are all having a great summer. I finished summer school and took a trip to Chicago. Very cool city. No real remanent of the gangster past but I did find an exciting historical connection while we were out walking one night. My friends called me a big history nerd but I took the picture anyway. First person to tell me the reference of this picture gets an ice cream on me at Reds!
Take care,
Ms. Major
P.S. The other pictures are also from my trip to Chicago. Got to love the SoPo Grill! Plus, they were using Idaho potatoes!! I am actually headed out to Idaho next week. Can't wait!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

More Peaks!!!

APUSH loves Peaks!!!!

(Are you so proud of me that I figured out how to put my pictures from my camera onto my computer? It took me like five hours to figure it out but I did it!)


I had such a ball today and I hope that you did too. We pushed through the bad weather and really enjoyed our lawn game olympics. You were so great at the museum too!!! So, in honor of Peaks, what were your top 5 favorite activities/events of the day? It doesn't have to be a top 5 but thought I could stick with our Top 5 theme.
So...here are mine:
1. MY CAMERA!!!!! (Of course! Thanks again you guys.)
2. Starting our day on the beach doing a good group shot.
3. Seeing you guys interact with Liz. (She had a great time by the way)
4. Watching you guys play sports with competitiveness but also with laughter.
5. MY CAMERA!!!!!!
P.S.Worst part of the trip...NO JOE JONES!

Monday, June 2, 2008


So, sorry I slacked last week with the blog. I think the three day weekend threw me off for the whole rest of the week. Anyway, time for another list. This one isn't as happy but still interesting I think. What are your top 5 fears? Or what scares you? I know those are two different items but let's try it out.

Here are mine:
1. Being trapped in an elevator
2. Bridges
3. Hurting/disappointing the people in my life
4. The Boogie Man (I often check behind the shower curtain, under my bed, in my closest, etc. making sure no one is hiding, ready to attack me)
5. Boring my students so much they begin to hate history

Friday, May 23, 2008

Here Wii Go!

Wii have a lot of fun afterschool during a fast-paced-all-are-welcome Wii sesh. Ryan, Joe, a bunch of froshies and my favorite student, Francis, came by and wii had lots of fun. Jealous? Come next time.