Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hey you college kids!

Hello APUSHers!!!!!
I am at a technology seminar today and we are working with blogs. So, I figured it would be a good time to update our old APUSH log. I hope school is going well for all of you and that you are learning lots!
I miss you all. I have seen some of you and it sounds like you are all loving school! Stop in whenever you are in town!
P.S. Got to get some history in here! FYI, on this day in 2004 the Red Sox broke the curse and beat St. Louis Cardinals to win the World Series 4-0 and Boss Tweed was arrested for corruption. Does anyone remember Boss Tweed?
P.P.S. I was just in Burlington and got to see Kimmy! She is on the dance team there and doing awesome!