Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I randomly checked the blog today and realized my devoted bloggers are still checking in once in a while. So, I will do one more post for the APUSH 06-08 group.
First and foremost, congrats on your AP exams. You all did a great job and I am very proud of you.
Secondly, Happy Late Birthday America! I hope you had a very patriotic 4th and thought of all of the great ones- Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, etc. Speaking of birthdays, Alex Trebek is 68!!! Wow. Still looks a dashing forty-something to me.
Very sad about Estelle Getty. May she always live in on in our Golden Girls memories.
Hope you are all having a great summer. I finished summer school and took a trip to Chicago. Very cool city. No real remanent of the gangster past but I did find an exciting historical connection while we were out walking one night. My friends called me a big history nerd but I took the picture anyway. First person to tell me the reference of this picture gets an ice cream on me at Reds!
Take care,
Ms. Major
P.S. The other pictures are also from my trip to Chicago. Got to love the SoPo Grill! Plus, they were using Idaho potatoes!! I am actually headed out to Idaho next week. Can't wait!